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  • Eric - kg6wxc's avatar
    get-map-info, map_display and map_functions updated. · 058c1f19
    Eric - kg6wxc authored
    Added "ini_set('memory_limit', '128M') to get-map-info and map_display.
    If you have a large network, you may need to increase the amount of
    memory needed. 128M should be more than enough in most cases, unless you
    have a "Mega Mesh" like N2MH does. :)
    Added "last_seen" info to the station popups (
    Also added (hopefully) a catch in get-map-info to find a "stalled" node
    polling run.
    Sometimes the node polling portion of the script never completes and it
    never gets a chance to unset the "currently_running" bit in the
    There is now a check so that if the "currently_running" bit is 1 and the
    time the script last polled the node is greater than 3 * the
    "node_polling_interval" (from the ini file), then the script will just
    go out and poll the nodes as normal.
    If it completes, it will unset the "currently_running" bit and will
    update the timestamp.
    These changes have all been suggested by N2MH. Thanks Mark! I finally
    got to it!